If you don't know, you're in good company! Guess what? Doctors and government health authorities who urge you to get yourself vaccinated, with assurances that the H1N1 vaccine is safe, don't know either.
Even a leading authority on the effects of vaccination, Dr Tom Jefferson, a reviewer with the Cochrane Collaboration, says he does not know. In a September 2009 interview with the Financial Times, Dr Tom Jefferson said of H1N1 vaccines: “Do we know they are safe, or what the side effect profile is? No, we don't...
Little is known about H1N1 vaccine side effects because the vaccine was developed in a hurry and rolled out even before studies on its safety have been completed. In fact, some of the planned studies have not yet even begun. At the earliest, some study results can be expected at end-2010.
Acknowledged vs unacknowledged side effects
Yet the public is constantly told that the H1N1 vaccine is "very safe". This is based on the assumption that since the H1N1 vaccine is similar to other seasonal flu vaccines, then it is just as safe. Seen from a different angle, however, the similarity means that the H1N1 vaccine is just as dangerous.
In looking at seasonal flu and H1N1 vaccine side effects, we need to consider two categories of possible side effects - those that are acknowledged by the medical profession, health authorities and pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccines, and those side effects that are not acknowledged.
Mild side effects
H1N1 vaccine side effects rejected in study
From Munich, Germany, a report came in August 2009 about a H1N1 vaccine trial participant who suffered serious side effects that included vomiting blood. The researchers in charge of the study, however, rejected his accounts as being "not credible". Axel Such, 40, who has since quit the trial, received the vaccination on August 10 and developed sweat on his forehead within a few hours. He said: "The vaccination has made me ill. The test is irresponsible... “I felt totally beat. On the third day, my kidneys and head were aching and I got a fever. I then had a coughing fit - and the wash basin was suddenly red - it was blood!“ In response, LMU-medical researcher Frank von Sonnenburg, who was in charge of the country-wide study, said he did not consider these accounts credible and that such side-effects cannot be related to the vaccine. He would only acknowledge that, as with other flu vaccinations, H1N1 vaccine side effects might include flu-like symptoms and pain, redness or swelling at the injection site. |
Other flu vaccine side effects that are considered mild include:
Does this list not look familiar? Don't they look like flu symptoms? They are remarkably similar! So while the public is assured that flu vaccines will not give you the flu, well, they will give you flu symptoms.
Severe flu / H1N1 vaccine side effects
At the same time, health authorities like the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledges that on rare occasions, flu vaccination can cause serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions. On the surface, this does not sound all that serious because most people think of allergic reactions as rashes, sneezing, swelling, etc. In reality, allergic reactions could also mean death!
So far, there have not been many deaths due to H1N1 vaccine side effects and the few cases have mostly been dismissed as "coincidences". Maybe, Maybe not. The number of such deaths are not yet high enough to cause alarm. But they still deserve our attention, in case too many "coincidences" start to appear.
Besides allergic reactions, other more serious possible flu / H1N1 vaccine side effects are seldom discussed by health authorities and mainstream doctors.
Guillian Barre syndrome, which causes crippling of the limbs, is one of them. In the 1976 H1N1 swine flu fiasco, 40 Americans received a H1N1 vaccine and more than 500 developed Guillain Barre Syndrome. Twenty five of them died. The rate of Guillain Barre Syndrome in the 1976 saga was more than 1 in 100,000. Now, mainstream health authorities claim that subsequent studies found the risk to be very much smaller - about one in one million.
In September 1995, however, the US FDA reported that five college students developed Guillian Barre Syndrome after receiving the meningococcal vaccine against meningitis - an illness with symptoms similar to those of the flu. And in November 2006, Canadian researchers reported a slight rise in the incidence of Guillian Barre Syndrome among those given flu shots.
In the current H1N1 swine flu outbreak, there has so far been six cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome following flu vaccination in the US. This is out of 40 million H1N1 vaccine doses made available, although it is not certain how many of those vaccines have actually been administered. For now, the risks appear small. But you still need to ask yourself if the risk, no matter how small, is worthwhile.
Unacknowledged flu / H1N1 vaccine side effects
Alzheimer's disease is emerging as another possible side effect of flu / H1N1 vaccination, but this is not generally acknowledged by the medical profession and government health authorities.
Hugh Fudenberg, MD, an immunogeneticist and biologist, studied individuals who received flu shots over a 10-year period between 1970 and 1980. And he found that those who had five consecutive flu shots during the period had 10 times higher risks of developing Alzheimer's Disease, compared to those who had fewer than two flu shots.
Alzheimer's disease has been linked to both mercury and aluminium poisoning and both these substances are present, in toxic amounts, in flu vaccines, including the H1N1 vaccine.
Vaccination and autism
Of all the possible flu / H1N1 vaccine side effects, autism is one of the most serious. Yet it is also the one side effect that the medical profession is most staunchly refusing to acknowledge.
In recent decades, there has been a huge increase in the number of children with autism. Different sources cite different figures, but the increase is in the order of thousands of percent. This increase has corresponded with increasing rates of childhood vaccination.
Autism has been linked to mercury poisoning and flu vaccines, including H1N1 vaccines, contain mercury (in the preservative Thimerosal, which is about 49 percent mercury by weight. Thus, the possibility of autism being one of the flu / H1N1 vaccine side effects cannot be ruled out.
In a recent interview with the health website mercola.com, top US pediatrician Dr Larry Palevsky comments on the medical establishment's denial of any link between vaccination and autism:
It is heartbreaking, because I see many of these kids who were developmentally normal, who were doing well, who were speaking, then whose voices and eye contacts were lost, who went into seizures, who developed asthma and allergies, and they had nowhere to go because their doctors told them (the parents) that they don’t know what they’re talking about. These kids are real. … When I look at the studies that the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC put out, saying that there’s no correlation between vaccination and autism or vaccinations and asthma, I have to say that the studies just don’t hold up to the scientific standards. You can’t have 25 children in a study and then report that this proves that no children who get autism have any correlation to being injured by vaccines. This is what the media does: they take these conclusions, put it right out in front of the newspapers and say, “Vaccines don’t cause autism.” When you really look at the studies – and there’s not a proper control group and there’s only 25 people – you can’t make a grand, generalised statement about a general population because you’ve studied 25 children. |