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H1N1 vaccine deaths
They are not common, but still deserve our attention

Reports of H1N1 vaccine deaths have started to appear shortly after mass vaccination against the H1N1 swine flu began worldwide around late-Septemer / October 2009.

These deaths may or may not be due to the vaccine. People do die suddenly and mysteriously anyway and the medical establishment is quick to dismiss these H1N1 vaccine deaths as "coincidences".

It may truly be coincidental that a person dies shortly after receiving a H1N1 vaccine, or a regular seasonal flu vaccine. Still, such incidents deserve our attention because we may one day realise that there are just too many coincidences to ignore. Fortnately, that day has not yet arrived.

So far, as of 15 November 2009, the highest incidents of H1N1 vaccine deaths seem to come from South Korea, where it was reported that five people died in the first two weeks of October following H1N1 vaccination.

One 80-year-old woman died within hours of receiving the H1N1 vaccine, but health officials were quick to point out that she had (thereby implying that she died from) diabetes. Another 51-year-old man who died after receiving the flu shot was said to have died from hardening of the arteries, even though he was not previously diagnosed / treated for heart disease. For the other three cases, the government said it was "investigating the possibility of a link between the vaccine and the dealth".

In Sweden, there have been reports of four possible H1N1 vaccine deaths. Three of the victims are said to have "seniors with serious underlying health conditions" - meaning that government health officials are saying they died because of their existing health conditions and not because of the H1N1 vaccine. But of course, they also say that investigations are being conducted. Little is known about the fourth victim.

China has two possible cases so far. One was a secondary school teacher in Hunan province, who died while playing basketball eight hours after he received the H1N1 vaccine. According to reports, preliminary results of an autopsy revealed the patient died due to heart issues and medical experts have declared his death a coincidence. Little is known about the second victim.

In the United States, there had so far been no reports of possible H1N1 vaccine deaths, although an eight-year-old boy died on October 12 after receiving a seasonal flu shot. His family declined autopsy, so the real cause of his death will not be known but the official stand is that the death is not linked to the flu vaccine.

In another case, a 6-year-old girl from Colorado died in 2008 after a chain of events that started with her receiving FluMist - a flu vaccine that is inhaled rather than injected. She took the vaccine on 11 January and, about a week later, “became weak with multiple episodes of falling to the ground.” The girl grew increasingly weak and feverish, was hospitalized, and underwent surgery. She died on April 5.

All these recent cases could very well be coincidences and may not be classified as H1N1 vaccine deaths, or flu vaccine deaths in general. Their numbers are few. So there is no reason to be overly concerned about dying from flu vaccinations -- except that there are plenty reasons to be alarmed about other flu vaccination side effects, including Guillain Barre syndrome, as well as higher risks of autism and other neurological . developmental disorders.

If we go a bit further back in history, however, we are reminded of the 1976 H1N1 swine flu fiasco which did, in fact, result in H1N1 vaccine deaths. That year, an outbreak of H1N1 swine flu started at a military base at Fort Dix, in the United States. One soldier died of the flu and several others were hospitalised.

Although the flu did not spread beyond Fort Dix, panicky health officials launched a massive vaccination programme in which 40 million Americans were given 1 H1N1 flu vaccine. The result was an "epidemic" of Guillain Barre syndrome that affected more than 500 people, and 25 people died.

That incident shows that, at times, flu vaccines can kill a lot more people than the flu itself. So far, this has not happened with the current H1N1 swine flu outbreak. Hopefully it will not happen. But just know that the possibility is there.

Click here to read about Guiilain Barre syndrome and other H1N1 vaccine side effects, apart from H1N1 vaccine deaths.

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