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Flu vaccine side effects

Flu vaccine side effects are seldom considered by the majority of people who wish to protect themselves against the flu.

They simply assume that vaccination is both effective and safe. That's what they have been told by doctors and that is what they accept without questioning.

All these assumptions are WRONG. Vaccination does not offer effective protection against the flu. And we shall discuss the effectiveness of flu vaccines in another article. For now, we shall look at flu vaccine side effects.

Far from being safe, some of the flu shot side effects are very serious, including death. For children, vaccination has also been strongly linked with increased incidences of autism.

The basic problem with vaccination is that it is based on the wrong idea that bacteria and viruses "cause" disease.

But, as we see in the article about the germ theory of disease, this is a faulty idea to begin with. Based on this idea, doctors expose people to small doses of weakened bacteria or viruses, in the belief that it would stimulate their immune response against disease.

But vaccines don't just contain the weakened bactria or virus. They also cotain a lot of very highly toxic chemicals, including mercury, aluminium and formaldehyde. These partly account for flu vaccine side effects - and the dangers of vaccination in general. At the same time, the weakened bacteria or virus presents its own set of dangers too.

Harm of vaccination

Before we look specifically at flu vaccine side effects, we consider the dangers of vaccination in general. And the first thing to note is that vaccination has not stopped people from “catching” the very diseases that they have been vaccinated against. Despite vaccination, many diseases are again on the rise:

  • In Namibia, 27 cases of paralytic polio were reported in 1993 – 94, although 80 percent of the population has full vaccination coverage.
  • In the US, there were 6,335 cases of pertussis in 1993, the highest number in 26 years. In Cincinnati, 82 percent of the cases had at least 3 doses of the DPT (diptheria, pertusis, tetanus) vaccine.

In a February 1995 article, The Lancet discusses the harm of vaccination in an article, Measles and pertussis in developing countries with good vaccine coverage. The article reported that among those who have been vaccinated, these diseases often return in a more virulent form. Unfortunately, rather than re-think vaccination, the article went to on recommend more vaccination, at an earlier age.

Childhood diseases like measles and pertussis, or whooping cough, are actually the body’s way of throwing off inherited impurities. They are often harmless. A study of 500 pertussis cases, published in early 1995 in the British Medical Journal, found that most cases were mild. Only 5 cases developed pneumonia. Of these, 3 had been vaccinated.

Because childhood illnesses are a means of discharge, suppressing them through vaccination often leads to more serious, long-term illnesses. Thus, the harm of vaccination lies not only in its side efects, but also in its role in suppressing natural -- and necessary -- body processes:

  • One study found that absence of measles is associated with “development of immureactive diseases, sebaceous skin diseases, degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, and certain tumours.
  • Crohn’s disease – a chronic inflammation of the intestines – occurs three times more often in people vaccinated against measles.
  • Absence of mumps is linked to higher risks of ovarian cancer.

By suppressing diseases during childhood, these same diseases may occur in adult life, where there is higher risk of complications. Less than 5 percent of children under 3 years infected with hepatitis A become jaundiced. In contrast, 75 percent of infected adolescents and adults develop acute symptoms. By allowing childhood diseases to run their natural course, children develop long-term immunity without harm to the body’s immune system.

Human degeneration

The harm of vaccination was recognised as far back as 1884. At that time, J Compton Burnett, an English homeopath, wrote: The vaccinated person is poisoned by the vaccine virus…

Burnett notes that vaccination is successful only when a person reacts to the virus. If not, the virus gets absorbed. And this leads to what he called “chronic vaccinosis” -- a chronic form of the very same disease that the person was supposed to have been vaccinated against.

Early in the 20th century, American homeopath J H Allen warned that with vaccination, “the whole race will soon become degenerated.”

One vocal critic of vaccination is Dr R Obomsawin, describes it as “a futile dream”.

Dr Obomsawin was originally commissioned by the Canadian International Development Agency to write about the benefits of vaccination. But after his research, he wrote instead about the harm of vaccination. Dr Obomsawin even questioned the ethics of it: Vaccination inevitably weakens the immunologic system of the child, leaving this system crippled in its ability to protect the child throughout life.

By weakening the immune system, vaccination contributes to auto-immune and degenerative diseases and allergic reactions. In his book, Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality, medical historian H L Coulter draws links between vaccination and autism, minimal brain damage, anti-social behaviour and violent crime. The link between autism and vaccinations has today become one of the most serious challenges to the safety of vaccination.

Why are vaccines so harmful?

When we look at why are vaccines so harmful, we can better understand some of the flu vaccine side effects.

One reason is that in order to produce vaccines, the bacteria and viruses are cultivated in animal proteins, such as rabbit brain tissue, monkey kidney tissue, pig blood, etc. When injected into the body, these proteins turn toxic because proteins have to be broken down into amino acids by the digestive system before they can be utilised.

Another problem is that the child’s immune system is not fully developed until about the age of 4. The child’s undeveloped immune system may not be able to distinguish between its own protein and foreign proteins. This can lead to auto-immune diseases, where the body’s immune system attacks its own cells.

Foreign proteins also contain animal genetic information which may be picked up by the vaccine and implanted into human genes. This can result in genetic damage.

Combining several vaccines can result in strange new viruses that cause strange new diseases. George Vithoulkas, a world-renowned homeopath, states: Instead of protecting people through vaccination, we are making humanity sick on a chronic level.

Mild flu vaccine side effects

We now take a closer look at some of the more specific, possible flu vaccine side effects.

MILD flu vaccine side effects are common and these are acknowledged by government health authorities such as the US Center for Disease Control (CDC). These flu vaccine side effects include:

  • Soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given
  • Low grade fever
  • Aches

At the same time, the CDC acknowledges that on rare occasions, flu vaccination can cause serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions. And the US government has established a National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) for those who believe they have been injured by vaccination.

Nasal flu vaccines

Besides flu shots, nasal-spray vaccines, called FluMist® are have been available since its approval by the US FDA in June 2003. And one of the first things to note is that this vaccine was initially not approved in 2001 because of safety concerns.

The flu vaccine side effects of nasal sprays include:

For children:
  • runny nose
  • headache
  • wheezing
  • vomiting
  • muscle aches
  • fever
For adults:

* runny nose
* headache
* sore throat
* cough

These side effects may not seem very serious, but it is worth noting that they are remarkably similar to flu symptoms. So while the CDC assures that nasal-spray flu vaccines will not give you the flu, well, they will give you flu symptoms.

This flu vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women or those with asthma, chronic lung or heart disease; chronic underlying medical conditions such as diabetes or kidney disorders; immune suppression or immune system problems; children or adolescents receiving aspirin therapy, anyone allergic to eggs; or those with a history of Guillain Barre syndrome. And it should not be given simultaneously with other vaccines.

If it is that safe, why the long list of people who should not be given this flu vaccine? Critics of nasal spray flu vaccines also point out that its most common flu vaccine side effect - runny nose - will result in the spreading of the flu virus.

So those vaccinated are advised to avoid close contact with immune-compromised individuals for at least 21 days. The question is, who are these "immune compromised individuals"? Well, they range from people with cancer and organ transplants to people with the flu and even people under stress - which can be just about anybody!

Some hospital personnel are asking those recently vaccinated with Flumist to avoid visiting patients in hospitals to prevent the risk of transmitting the vaccine strain virus to sick patients.

More serious flu vaccine side effects

The more serious possible flu vaccine side effects, however, are seldom discussed ny mainstream health authorities

  • Alzheimer's disease
    here is emerging evidence that flu vaccine side effects include Alzheimer’s disease. Hugh Fudenberg, MD, an immunogeneticist and biologist, studied individuals who received flu shots over a 10-year period between 1970 and 1980. And he found that those who had five consecutive flu shots during the period had 10 times higher risks of developing Alzheimer's Disease, compared to those who had fewer than two flu shots.

    Alzheimer's disease has been linked to both mercury and aluminium poisoning and both these substances are present, in toxic amounts, in flu vaccines.

  • Guillian Barre syndrome, which causes crippling of the limbs, is another disease listed among the possible flu vaccine side effects. This was first reported in a 1976 study involving swine flu vaccination. The official line from mainstream health authorities is that subsequent studies found the risk to be very small - about one person out out one million vaccinated individuals might develop Guillian Barr Syndrome.

    In September 1995, however, the US FDA reported that five college students developed Guillian Barre Syndrome after receiving the meningococcal vaccine against meningitis - an illness with symptoms similar to those of the flu. And in November 2006, Canadian researchers reported a slight rise in the incidence of Guillian Barre Syndrome among those given flu shots.

  • Arthritis and joint inflammation are also among the possible flu vaccine side effects.

And in the case of Tamiflu, which has become a highly sought antiviral flu drug in recent years, its side effects include abnormal behavior, neuropsychiatric problems like convulsions, delirium or delusions, and brain infections, In Japan, there were reported cases of young people commiting suicide after being given the Tamiflu vaccine.

Click here to read more about Tamiflu side effects.

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